You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.3. FILE Menu: Master File Maintenance > 1.3.4. File - Supplier > File - Supplier - Text

File - Supplier - Text

You can enter additional text for a supplier which may be displayed or printed during order creation, on purchase orders or on reports.


Technical Tip

You can also add or view narrative text for a supplier by pressing the F5 key. For more information on narrative text, refer to "Adding or Viewing Narrative Text".

To enter additional text for a supplier:

  1. Add a new supplier or open an existing one.

Refer to "Adding a New Supplier" or "Updating a Supplier".

  1. Select the Text tab.

Micronet displays the Supplier Update screen - Text tab.

  1. If you want to:

If you selected to add, insert or edit a text line, Micronet displays the Suppliers Text screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:






Enter the text you want to have stored against the supplier.



Select Yes if you want Micronet to display this text in the Important Information field during purchase order creation.


On Reports

Select Yes if you want this text to be printed on inventory and supplier reports.


On P/Orders

Select Yes if you want this text to be printed on purchase orders.


PopUp On P/Orders

Select Yes if you want this text to popup during purchase order creation.


Delivery Option

This field is only used in conjunction with Micronet Enhanced POS. It relates to the delivery method and whether any special instructions are applicable from this supplier for a specific delivery method. For example,  freight applies if being delivered by the supplier but is not charged if the customer picks the order up from the supplier’s warehouse.

  1. Select the Accept button.

Micronet redisplays the Suppliers Text screen for you to add more text.

  1. When you have finished adding text, select Cancel on the Suppliers Text screen.

Micronet redisplays the Supplier Update screen - Text tab.

  1. Select FILE | SAVE.
  1. Optionally, if you are using the Micronet Creditor’s Ledger (MCL), you should update the changes to the creditor in MCL by making sure that the EDIT | UPDATE CREDITOR menu option is checked.

For more information, refer to "Supplier Update Screen - Menu Options".